OVERHEAT project launched to prevent fires on container ships

The EU-funded research project “OVERHEAT- Innovative Strategies for Containership Fires Prevention and Management” was recently created to promote solutions for preventing and managing container ship fires.

According to the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL), the OVERHEAT project will focus on the creation of a digital solution (DS) that provides a comprehensive overview of the situation on and around the ship. A fire prevention, early detection, and quick response system will be built by combining Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).

The OVERHEAT project will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders, including shipping firms, port administrations, governmental authorities, policymakers, business organisations, and academics.

The Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) is a member of the consortium and will focus on analyzing existing preventative systems and methods, the need profiles of the many parties involved in combatting and preventing fires on container ships, and examining project outcomes.

The motivation for the project
Container ships play an important role in global trade, transporting over 90% of all products exchanged by volume and value. Despite their importance, modern container ships are frequently built using out-of-date design principles that fail to consider potential safety and environmental repercussions, according to the ISL.

Cargo fires are a severe concern to ships, notably ferries transporting containers. These fires can cause human and cargo losses while also affecting coastal zones and marine protected areas.

To recall, in a recent interview with SAFETY4SEA, Ansuman Ghosh, Director of Risk Assessment (Singapore) at UK P&I Club, highlighted a newly launched industry initiative, the Cargo Fire & Loss Innovation Initiative (CFLII), which aims to reduce cargo fires and losses in the maritime sector.

The Safetytech Accelerator Cargo Fire & Loss Innovation Initiative (CFLII) is a collaborative technology acceleration program that will address the issue by defining joint requirements, identifying technology solutions, conducting carefully designed trials, and developing best practices and recommendations.

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